SafeTalk T4T
The safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T) is a two-day course that prepares candidates to become safeTALK trainers. Candidates learn to present the half-day safeTALK suicide alertness training in their own organizations and communities. The T4T course provides a positive and safe learning environment with mutual support and respect for differences.
What to Expect
Candidates can expect open and honest discussion with an emphasis on the seriousness of suicide and the part they can play in helping individuals and communities become suicide-safer. During the first half-day of the safeTALK T4T, candidates will experience a standard SafeTALK training to establish a common context for the course. For the rest of the T4T, candidates receive coaching support, spend self-study time with their trainer manuals and audiovisuals, and practice presenting parts of the workshop. To ensure support and safety, the coaching component occurs in the same small group of candidates. To successfully complete the T4T, candidates must demonstrate that they will be able to present and facilitate safeTALK in accordance with standard procedures while creating a safe learning environment for their participants.