About the event:
Recent evidence demonstrates that trends in youth suicide increasingly include vulnerable/high risk, and atypical populations such as younger and minority youth, populations that might be overlooked. This program will focus on an interdisciplinary and multi-faceted approach to understanding youth suicide. Various professionals will discuss their role in the assessment of risk factors and protective factors. These shared perspectives will provide insight on collaborative methods to prevent future suicides.
Speakers and Topics:
A Tragedy Unfolding: Current Trends in Youth Suicide — Christine Moutier, MD Chief Medical Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Spotlight Cases from NJ — Andrew Falzon, MDChief State Medical Examiner
Behind the Scenes of Suicide Investigation — Diane Calello, MD, FACMT, FAAP, FAACT, Executive and Medical Director, NJ Poison Information and Education System
A Collaborative Approach to Prevention — Jennie Blakney, MA EdState Adolescent Health Coordinator at Department of Health
Putting It All Together: The Manasquan Story — Susan Tellone RN, BSN, CSN, MSN Clinical Director, Society for Prevention of Teen Suicide